



Pitt researchers worry that the university is not consistently enforcing its new COVID-19 safety guidelines
$2.5 million for steam? Allegheny County pact with Peoples raises costs, contracting questions
Develop PGH Bulletins: What’s historic? A church and a civic building face designation votes
How fast has UPMC grown? The answer in four charts
Staying at home: Pittsburgh students to learn remotely for first 9 weeks, board decides unanimously
What do Pittsburgh-area students think about the proposed back-to-school plans amid coronavirus?
‘I don’t want to die’: Some Pittsburgh teachers have anxieties and suggestions about the return to school this fall
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First person
COVID-19 is bringing about the end of touch as we know it, and touch has been my imperfect substitute for sight.
[百度云网盘]王帆初中语文全套几百视频 - 初中百度网盘学习 ...:2021-12-13 · 免费 优质课程分享猛戳此处 点击自助购买广告位 教育盘»论坛 › 百度网盘学习资源整理版 › 初中百度网盘学习资料 › [百度云网盘]王帆初中语文全套几百视频 ...
The future of accessible transportation depends on passionate advocacy for the civil rights of people with disabilities
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What did Pennsylvania spend on salaries in 2023? Explore the data.
Stop the gatekeeping in Pittsburgh: Consider young people as full contributors to boards and elected posts
Pittsburgh’s parks tax that prioritized equity likely won’t be collected this year, despite equity protests and a rise in park use
After a years-long crisis, the lead levels in Pittsburgh’s water finally meet federal compliance
Four environmental issues in the Pittsburgh region to keep your eyes on in the age of COVID-19
New county health director comes in as expert in equity, children and mothers
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Social justice
In the ongoing pandemic, Pittsburgh’s homeless service providers report increased need and costs
Disability justice is not just ramps and curb cuts; it spans health, education, the environment and more.
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How COVID-19 is disrupting safety nets, exposing uninsurance, interrupting traditions for Pittsburgh immigrants and refugees
Many Pittsburgh refugees escaped persecution and disease in their home counties, but there isn’t anywhere to go to stay safe from COVID-19 in the United States and there are many barriers they face.
Tenants call for ‘rent strike’ against Wilkinsburg’s biggest landlord — and fear retaliation
Board explorer: The power structure guiding public safety in Allegheny County
A year in Allegheny County ends in homelessness for two young trans men
Pennsylvania’s cyber charters were already equipped for remote learning. How much COVID-19 relief should they receive?